Saturday, March 27, 2010


53, originally uploaded by mhall209.

I went for a drive this evening up a long country road behind our house. It doesn't really go anywhere. After about 8 miles it turns to a dirt road, and 8 or 9 miles it runs into another dirt road that is closed in the winter as it is not maintained. The last time I was on that road the ruts in it were about 24 inches deep, really. My little Toyota Corrola is not too fond of that road, so I just drove to the intersection and turned around. It takes about 2 hours to drive that 30 or so miles, but it is a really nice drive.

I didn't see a lot of wildlife this time up the road. Just a few turkeys, some squirrels and small birds. There were lots of cows though. Happy California cows. Like this one, number 53. He was not too happy that I disturbed his grass dinner.

Sorry number 53.

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