Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dogtown Road Barn HDR

Dogtown Road Barn HDR, originally uploaded by mhall209.

I went to an Ed Tech conference today down in Modesto, CA. I do not get down to that part of the world very often so I knew the road to and from was going to be filled with photographic opportunities. I brought both a digital and film camera. I am looking forward to some of the film. Unfortunately that takes a couple of weeks.

One of the workshops I attended had to deal with disruptive technologies. The example used was how digital cameras eventually overcame film cameras. It was interesting because I have just recently, in the last couple months, gone back to film! I hope that doesn't mean I will soon go back to textbooks.

This old barn site on a very poorly paved road that leads through a mix of old school barns like this one, and multi-million dollar trophy homes. A mixture of old and new. Sort of like what some of us do in schools, mix the old with the new.

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